Saturday, June 17, 2023

June Meeting Moved to WEDNESDAY!

REMINDER – Our meeting on Sunday June 18TH (Father’s Day) has been moved to Wednesday June 21st, starting at 7:00 pm at 21 Pub. We will plan a ride for NEXT Sunday June 25th at that meeting. Our Sunday the 25th ride meeting will start at 12:00 (noon) from 21 Pub.

Please mark your calendars!

Monday, October 17, 2022

Winter Meeting Schedule/Wednesday 7pm!

 Now that the temps are dropping we switch to the Winter Meeting schedule - Wednesday Nights at 7pm.

Our next Club meeting is scheduled for Wednesday October 19, at the 21 Pub in Rothschild starting at 7:00 PM.  

Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. Agenda items are: 

  • Turkey Run 
  • Christmas Party 
  • Election of Officers 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Springtime! Also The March Meeting @ 21 Pub

 Our next Club meeting is scheduled for Wednesday March 16, at the 21 Pub in Rothschild starting at 7:00 PM.  

Please mark your calendar and plan to attend.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Feb. Meeting Reminder - Wed/16th

 Soon it will be warm enough to ride the scooters to the meeting!  Well, we can dream.

Wednesday February 16th at the 21 Pub - 7pm.  Be there!

Friday, November 12, 2021

BACK TO THE 21Pub! Nov. Meeting Wed. 17th

Our next Club meeting is scheduled for Wednesday November 17, at the 21 Pub in Rothschild starting at 7:00 PM. The third Wednesday of the month will be our Fall/Winter meeting dates. 

Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. Agenda items are: 

    Election of Officers 

    News from the AMA District Meeting

    Start to plan for our annual Christmas Party 

Thursday, October 14, 2021

October Meeting! @ The 525

Our October meeting will be held at the 525 Facility in Rib Mountain on Sunday October 17 starting at 11:00 AM. Agenda items include: 

    75th Anniversary Party  

    Scheduling the Turkey Run  

    Any Topics to Take to the District 16 Meeting in November 

    Our District 16 Club Representatives for the November Meeting 

    Our Next Meeting Day, Date, Time and Place

Please plan to attend. A Club Ride will follow. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

September Meeting Moved to October

After sending out the last meeting notice we realized it was the weekend of the Fall Ride in Tomahawk. So, it was decided that the Rib Mountain Riders Meeting set for September 19 will be CANCELED. We will reschedule our next meeting to coincide with our October Turkey Run. That date will be sent out later. 

Enjoy the great fall riding weather and stay safe!  We'll see you in October.

Thursday, June 24, 2021


 Our next Scheduled Meeting will be June 27, Sunday, at the 525 Track, starting at 11:00. A club ride will follow.  This is the last regular meeting before the 525 race and Tractor Pulls.  

Monday, May 17, 2021

MAY MEETING! 19th @ the 21 Pub

 The May meeting will be held at the 21 PUB in Rothschild on May 19 starting at 7:00 PM. Agenda items include: 525 summer races, RMR 75th Anniversary Party, and choice of anniversary shirts. Please plan to attend. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

March Meeting Date/Location Change (from normal)

 The March meeting will be THURSDAY the 18th at the Wausau 525 Track - in the main building.  Relevant Covid precautions are requested.  7pm.  Main topic of this meeting will be the 2021 races at the 525 and RMR's 75th Anniversary.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

December Meeting Cancellation

 The Officers have decided that due to the high percentage of Covid-19 cases occurring in Marathon County the meeting scheduled for December 16, 2020 at the 21 Pub will be cancelled.   

It was decided that the Elections of Officers for 2021 will be held at the next scheduled meeting, hopefully in January. This year’s Turkey Run will also be cancelled and mileage will be recorded at the next club meeting.

Thank you for understanding and everyone in the Rib Mountain Riders M/C wishes you all the best for this Holiday Season!